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Dobwalls and Trewidland Neighbourhood Plan Logo

Dobwalls and Trewidland Neighbourhood Plan

Landscape, Biodiversity & Heritage

(Also includes Climate Change)

The Landscape, Biodiversity and Heritage topic group, set up in 2017 (Linda Feek, Pat Earl and Mhairi Mackie, later joined by Brian Clark) gathered a range of information related to issues raised as particularly significant in the initial NDP Questionnaire responses in April 2017.

Views over the fields near Dobwalls

View towards Dobwalls

The Landscape, Biodiversity and Hertiage Evidence Base report gathers this information together.  It covers key National and Local Planning policies and guidance, and draws together all relevant information available on this topic area and identified issues that emerged from the research e.g.

These issues then became the basis for the April 2018 Household Survey and Consultation events (see links to results below), and helped the steering group to identify Planning Objectives for the NDP exhibited at the September Local Policy Public Consultation events.  The results of these public consultations are also included in the report, and form the basis of the NDP Draft Plan Policies (Dec 2020); the Reg14 Pre-Submission consultation (Jan 2021) and the Reg15 Full Submission Document.

See the Reg15 policies here:

D&T NDP Reg15 Landscape, Biodiversity and Heritage Policies 13 October 2022

With the help of Cornwall Council Landscape Architecture officers, in summer of 2019 a Landscape Character Statement Group (Hugh Francis, Roger Thomson, Ailsa Tween and Mhairi Mackie) was set  up to identify, define and record the special characteristics of each of the landscape areas in the Dobwalls and the Trewidland sections of the parish.  This document sets out the relationship between the NDP Policies and Landscape Management priorities in more detail.

The current Landscape Character Statement can be found following the link below:

D&T NDP Reg15 Landscape Character Statement 13 October 2022

Additional Information

Landscape, Biodiversity and Heritage Reg15 Evidence Base 13 October 2022

D&T NDP Landscape, Biodiversity and Heritage Survey Results 2018 (Roadshows Exhibition)

Views across the fields and countryside in the parish

Aerial photograph from Dobwalls looking South